Towards a world where workers are business owners

Today, we’re proud to announce we’re giving  5% of the value of our company back to our employees - which includes staff like our cleaners and supervisors. 

This decision to include cleaners in our share scheme is unique because people in the cleaning sector are always working for somebody else, all their lives. 

Today, for the first time, we can proudly say many of them would be doing it for themselves. 

As a society, too often we celebrate the “disruptors” rather than value the contribution of the “maintainers” -our cleaners, handy workers, technicians and engineers - that keep our economy running daily. 

At a company ceremony welcoming the first batch of new Nimbus business stakeholders

In making “ownership” tangible for our workers, we’re putting our money where our mouth is.  We have no doubt a Nimbus employee will become empowered and achieve a new level of results for our industry.

Most importantly, in doing this, we know we’re not just buying our people’s time and muscle, but their hearts, mind and soul. And we think that’s a powerful asset for a firm to have.


今天,我们非常荣幸地宣布, 领普斯将把公司5%的股份分给工作表现杰出的员工,这包括了我们的清洁员工和主管。



当今社会,媒体都爱关注“颠覆者”。然而,默默耕耘的 ”维护者“ ,即清洁工,技术人员,工程师对社会做出的贡献则很容易被大众忽视。领普斯的公司愿景,恰恰就是要颠覆此封建想法,为同样为社会出心出力的蓝领工作者争取更多的拥有权。


为了让我们的员工得到更多的拥有权,我们将会让他们成为一个企业主。我们相信,领普斯的员工将会因此得到更多的授权  ,并为我们的行业取得新的成果。

更重要的是,我们明白,这么做不只是慰劳员工所付出的时间和精力。这将激励他们尽心工作, 诚心的为公司作出贡献。我们认为这对任何一间公司来说都是一个非常重要的资产。

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